Get to know the ladies of Levisa River Chapter, NSDAR. Chapter meetings are held on the fourth Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m. For more information about our meeting locations, please use our contact form.

2020-2021 Meetings

SeptemberIn Recognition
(No Meeting)
National Literacy Month
September 17, 2020Americanism
(Zoom Meeting)
Constitution of the United States presented by Retired Major Rodney Horne
September 18, 2020In Recognition
(No Meeting)
National POW/MIA DAY
October 12, 2020In Recognition
(No Meeting)
National DAR Day of Service
October 15, 2020What Are Your Choices?Specker: Mary Beth Burks
NovemberIn Recognition
(No Meeting)
American Indian Heritage Month
November 11, 2020In Recognition
(No Meeting)
Veterans Day
November 19, 2020(Zoom Meeting)Shining a Light on Native American’s presented by Jennifer Charles
December 7, 2020In Recognition78th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor
December 10, 2020(Zoom)Shining the Light on Levisa River
December 19, 2020In Recognition
(No Meeting)
Wreaths Across America
FebruaryIn Recognition
(No Meeting)
Black History Month
February 18. 2021Women’s IssuesAre you Healthly?
presented by Dr. Susan Mayhew
MarchIn Recognition
(No Meeting)
Women’s History Month
April 15, 2021Junior American CitizensShining the Light on Children (awards ceremony) presented by Edna Breeding
May 21, 2021Courthouse Preservation of RecordsShining the Light on Courthous Preservation
presented by Beverly Tiller, Buchanan County Circuit Court Clerk